December 2018 Chamber Meeting

Event Details:

  • Date:
  • Venue:Security 1st Center, Rushville, NE

Meeting Minutes:

Meeting called to order at 12:07pm


The Security First Center

Minutes from the last meeting-Becky made a motion and Melissa 2nd the motion all approved mins as sent out in email.


Treasurer’s Report- Becky made motion and Clint 2nd the motion all approved treasurer’s report as given

Bills- SCJS $255.00 for moon light madness and holiday events Chuck made a motion and Sheila 2nd all approved to pay the $255.00.  Hinn’s Hardware donated $15, SFI donated $92, and SFB $67.50, towards this bill


Old Business     

                Signs –Mel and Kris met and wanted to give an update.

                       Report from Kris and Mel-Mel has sent out the signs specs to 4 companies and received 2 different quotes back.  He has also spoke with Jeff Davis on him doing some of the work for putting up the signs and his estimate was around $6,000.  Company out of Omaha was $21,000 and an Austin company was around $12,000 but this did not include some of the items the Omaha company did.  Mel would like a deadline of October 1,2019 for the signs to be placed outside of Rushville.  There was also a sign committee put together of Shirley, Chuck, Mel, Kris, and Trisha.  This committee will help with the grant writing and fundraising ideas.  Mel is hoping to get at least $40,000 in grant money.  He would also like to go check out the companies before we go with one just to see some of their work.  Kris has spoken with the mayor of Rushville and he as asked for some details on the signs to see where the city can help.


                        Drawing of the print pictures (2 winners will be drawn)-Sides and Milburn and Tracy Baseggio

                County Chamber- Becky gave a report from last meeting.    Was not to much to report as Rushville and Gordon are the only chambers on board so far.


                Report from Holiday Light Committee- Becky and Jess gave a report.  Would like to charge next year to decorate a tree in the park.  If you are a chamber member $10 and non-chamber member $20.  They would like to see this fee go towards electric in the park.  They feel both events so far have had a great turn out.


Kris would like to see next year maybe some of that fee go towards the advertising cost and see if Legion would help with the breakfast with Santa advertising cost.


Cowboy Trial- Trisha was here with an update on the trail.  They are currently have  mile markers for purchase.  Each are $650, Please contact a trail member if you would like to purchase one.


New Business


                2019 Calendar/Meeting Places/Dates-Chuck made a motion and Melissa 2nd all approved to change the 3rd meeting to an evening meeting.  Place decided at a later date.

               Also some discussion about if the meeting place is not a chamber member should we still meet there. 


                2019 Membership Drive Committee formed-Becky, Shirley, Melissa, and Jessica.

              Amanda will send the letters and form from 2018.


                2019 Committees for events/ Sponsors for individual events –Discussed how this would be a nice idea to get more business involved.  The business would not be so much responsible for the event but an activity within the bigger event.  For example Chamber is the host of Fun Days and The Cowboy Trail would be in charge of the 5K.  The Cowboy Trail would then take on all duties, expenses, and proceeds of the 5K. Below is a list of some events  if you have an activity  you would like to take on please let us know.


                2019 Election of Officers to be held at the January meeting-Amanda will send out a nomination email.


                In March we need to decide how we want to move forward with Fall Fest and Moonlight Madness


Next Meeting – *January 14, 2019 – a week earlier because of MLK Day on the 21st – Twisted Turtle




2019 Meeting Dates and Places

*January 14 – Twisted Turtle

*February 11 – Yoba’s

March 19 – 20 Bar

April 15 – Security First Center

May 20 – Golf Course

June 17 – Twisted Turtle

July 15 – 20 Bar

August 19 – Golf Course

September 16 – Security First Center

October 21 – Yoba’s

November – 20 Bar

December – Twisted Turtle


2019 Events

Easter Egg Hunt – April 20

BQ Cook-off – June

Fundays – August 30-Sept 2

Fun Fall Fest

Moonlight Madness

Holiday Lights/Christmas Festivities

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